The crisis facing the Chocó Forest results from a multitude of factors, requiring an understanding of the region's history, economic and social development, global market dynamics, and the unique nature of its ecosystem. We aim to shed light on why our efforts are crucial in preserving one of the world's most biodiverse regions, offering insights into this multifaceted challenge.
On this page, you will find news about the latest developments of the foundation and our projects in Mompiche, but also important background information, such as poverty in Ecuador, the actual fairness of the cocoa market in the world and in Ecuador, or the progression of the ecological disaster here in the Ecuadorian Chocó.
We also prevented that 1,5 hectare of land is being used for a pig-farm. For the Mompiche this means that one of the sources for clean water is save.
One third of the world's cocoa crop is fairly traded and one third of the world's cocoa farmers live below the absolute poverty line. And this has been the case for decades. What would have to change for something to actually change.
After the corona crisis just over one third of Ecuadors population earns less than $84.05 per month. Almost 15% live in extreme poverty with less than $47.37 per month. Women are particularly affected by unimployment and . Another problem is the high rate of teenage pregnancies. Ecuador has the highest adolescent fertility rate among all countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.